Debra Singh
Welcome to almost winter… as the seasons change so too do we. I have been reading a new book lately recommended to me by another GG called Phosphorescence. As always there are lots of different messages in these types of books but for me the most important thing was learning the art of standing still.
I was on a trip to Perth recently and I was feeling horrible, no energy and basically under the weather so unusually for me I had a quiet night in and in the morning I went for a long run along the Swan river, I stopped halfway through to do some resistance work and sat on the grass and I just stopped. I stopped my music, I stopped and sat very still on the fresh green grass and I just looked and listened and truly absorbed the world around me.
Birds were sitting on trees, the grass was wet, the autumn leaves floated from their branches marking the change of a season. So while some things change, other things stay the same and that is one of life’s guarantees that the seasons will come and go but what stays as a constant is my love and appreciation for amazing humans. People who alter the course of your life, people who make you stop and think, people who have a generous heart, mind and soul.
People like Debra Singh who just come out of no where. That is the beauty of life, stop and accept that some days you will meet people who inspire you like no other. Happy colourful autumn leaves GGs and please join me in devouring our May GG! Namaste!
Love and light
Vivienne XX